Vhdl Hex To Binary Converter

How to write an integer to stdout as hexadecimal in VHDL? How to write such an integer to hex conversion? Convert the INTEGER into a binary representation.

Hi All, I would like to convert HEX to BINARY in VHDL. I am going to convert decimal numbers to hex on my PC, then send the hex to the FPGA. Once on the FPGA I will need to convert the hex to binary. My range is 8 bits(so max 255 decimal and FF hex). Im looking for the easiest way. I suppose I could just write a buntch of if statements and be done with it. Anyone have a better idea, or is there a built in function in VHDL that will do this for me??

Thanks in advance Scott Sat, 01 Oct 2005 09:31:07 GMT. I might be a little off here, but I think hexadecimals are just integers with a little different notation (or is it syntax).

Hence, you merely type cast integer to, say, stdlogicvector with something like: constant hexnumber: integer:= 16#FEC#; constant binary: STDLOGICVECTOR (13 downto 0):= stdlogicvector(tounsigned(hexnumber,14)); remember to include the numeric.std regards, juza: I would like to convert HEX to BINARY in VHDL. I am going to convert: decimal numbers to hex on my PC, then send the hex to the FPGA.

Once: on the FPGA I will need to convert the hex to binary. My range is 8: bits(so max 255 decimal and FF hex). Im looking for the easiest way.: I suppose I could just write a buntch of if statements and be done: with it.: Anyone have a better idea, or is there a built in function in VHDL: that will do this for me??: Thanks in advance: Scott - Juza Sat, 01 Oct 2005 13:38:36 GMT. Hi AllI would like to convert HEX to BINARY in VHDL.

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Vhdl Hex To Binary ConverterVhdl Hex To Binary Converter

I am going to convert decimal numbers to hex on my PC, then send the hex to the FPGA. Once on the FPGA I will need to convert the hex to binary. My range is 8 bits(so max 255 decimal and FF hex). Im looking for the easiest way. I suppose I could just write a buntch of if statements and be done with it. Anyone have a better idea, or is there a built in function in VHDL that will do this for me??

Binary To Hex Chart

Thanks in advance Scott Sat, 01 Oct 2005 21:00:16 GMT. hey Ralf.i wasnt able to connect to the link you sent, something to do with my lack of authorization. This is a Message-ID. Use or a good newsreader.

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